Venture Capital for Teenagers

Or, how do I describe my VC job to my 13-year-old brother?

Michelle Nacouzi
2 min readDec 6, 2018

This Thanksgiving, I came up with the *brilliant* idea that all of my siblings would prepare short presentations about our various jobs or school projects, and present them to each other + our parents.

I have six siblings, most of whom are younger than me and all of whom currently live in California. I’ve lived in NYC for four years and my youngest brother was starting kindergarten when I left for college…sometimes I wish they knew more about my life/career. Hence, the presentations!

Below was mine. I wrote about venture capital for a broad audience: my 13-, 15-, and 20-year-old brothers who are still in school; my 23-, 25-, and 27-year-old sisters who think I work too hard but don’t understand why; and my 60-ish-year-old parents who run a private business without WiFi.

My Thanksgiving presentation about my job in VC. (note…on my phone, I had to click “Show Embed”)

The whole event was a huge hit. Each of the kids got really into it, and we all felt better after briefly getting the spotlight to share something that was a big part of our lives (in a large household, having sustained, captivated attention is a hot commodity).

Postmortem, I’m not super certain that my 13-year-old brother truly understands venture capital…but hey, I tried!

Mi familia! Each of us is wearing a card that numbers us from oldest (ace of hearts) to youngest (7 of spades).

